Capacitors hold charge. Capacitors do not conduct.
We measure capacitance in farads and charge in coulombs (equivalent to the charge 6×10^18 electrons).
a capacitor with 1 farad of capacity will charge 1 coulomb of charge after 1 volt has been applied across its terminals for 1 second.
The capacitor is basically plates of two conductors separated by a non-conductor. When a voltage is applied, the charge accumulates. And when the voltage has been removed, then it can release that charge.
I found this really cute video that explains a capacitor:
The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is the sum of the capacitors.
Ctotal = C1+C2+C3…
Capacitors in parallel will always result in a BIG capacitance.
However capacitors in series will always result in a smaller capacitance. Two capacitors in series have the capacitance of:
Ctotal = (C1C2)/(C1+C2)
Capacitors in series will always result in a capacitance smaller than the smaller capacitor.
Since capacitors do not conduct current, they do not dissipate power.
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